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Checkers offers safety equipment designed for everyday recreational or residential use and enhanced safety in the workplace. In addition, we offer a wide range of products for RVs and campers that can help make your next outing or vacation safer and more enjoyable.
Checkers safety products for RVs and campers make your leisure activities safer. To help you find the proper safety equipment for you, here is an overview of the safety products and accessories that can be implemented in and around your RV or camper.
Safety Equipment for RVs and Campers
Wheel Chocks
Wheel chocks from Checkers are used to secure at-rest vehicles or large equipment and prevent unintended rolling. For RVs and campers, wheel chocks can be placed under tires to help prevent movement. Wheel chocks from Checkers feature an all-weather polyurethane construction resistant to oils, tears, and solvents.
Our wheel chocks are engineered for optimal strength. No matter how large your RV or camper is, we have wheel chocks that are just right for you.
Cable Protectors
Cable protectors are designed to safely house sensitive cables or hoses and provide safe crossing for vehicles and pedestrians. RVs and campers are often reliant on cables and hoses for power and water. If left unsecured, these cables and hoses could be a tripping hazard for you or your family.
Cable protectors from Checkers feature a durable polyurethane construction that withstands the elements. In addition, modular interlocking design of cable protectors from Checkers allows you to extend cable protection to any desired length.
Prevent Accidents with Proper Safety Equipment
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), over 20,000 people sustained injuries in 2020 during camping or camping-related activities. Unfortunately, many of these injuries might have been prevented if proper safety equipment had been implemented. So before you and your family head out on your next RV trip, make sure you have safety equipment that will keep you and your family protected.
Find the Safety Equipment that is Right for You
Checkers is the industry leader in safety equipment designed for industrial, commercial and everyday use. As you prepare for your next outing or road trip, make sure you have all the proper safety equipment needed to protect you and your vehicles. Take a look at our extensive inventory and find the right trailer or hauling safety equipment for you.