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Our Promise. Your Guarantee
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your products, contact customer service during your first 30 days and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked.
From Product Design to Checkout, Safety Comes First
By choosing Justrite Safety Group, you’re choosing safety. We deliver on our promise at every stage of our partnership.
Highest Quality Products
Whether you need a trusted safety can or heavy-duty wheel chocks, our products come ready to meet your every compliance and safety requirement.
World-Class Customer Service
You’ll never need to guess on safety again. Our team is here to help you select and use your safety products, delivering trusted service to global brands
Fast Shipping and Returns
Production can't slow down. With fast shipping and a no-hassle return policy, we make it easy to get what you need when you need it.
Secure Checkout
Protect your personal information and financial data using our secure online checkout transactions, so everyone from the Line Manger to the CFO is satisfied.
Safety's Already in the Name
Quality products in every order. If you’re not satisfied, we will make it right. That’s our commitment and your guarantee. That’s 100% the Justrite Promise.
Proudly Made in the USA!*
We take great pride that the majority of products we manufacture are sourced using local materials. Our customers are assured they have the highest quality products, with the most innovative features, at the best value on the market – and all supported by exceptional customer service. We have a commitment to supporting US businesses and providing US jobs.
* Made in US with Domestic and Foreign Parts.